October 22, 2024

These Website Design Tips Will Help Grow Your Small Business

 These Website Design Tips Will Help Grow Your Small Business

It can be tough being the underdog in your industry. When you’ve just set up shop and want to establish a name in your niche, you’ll have to go through failures to reach success. And that’s okay. Small businesses start somewhere, right? However, one way to make your new brand known is by investing in a small business website design.

And we don’t just mean any website design. It has to be well-designed with a focus on customer experience to make your brand stand out. Creating a website is futile if the design is mediocre. Here’s why:

  • Not professional
  • Doesn’t convey branding
  • Doesn’t communicate your brand’s message
  • Presents offerings the wrong way
  • No persuasion appeal
  • Bad for customer experience
  • Doesn’t add credibility

Meanwhile, a professional-looking website will simply emanate authenticity and legitimacy right off the bat. This alone can instill a good first impression on your audience.

In the meantime, know what makes for an excellent small business website design. Here are seven tips to get you started.

Focus on the main purpose of your website

Don’t stray from your website’s main purpose, or else, you’ll never be able to attain your business goals and objectives. Your small business website design should be in-line with your aim. For instance, if you’re seeking more sign-ups, feature your form above the fold with compelling graphics. 

If you’re aiming for brand awareness, balance your text and graphics on your homepage to pique user interest.

Demonstrate your product/service

Every small business’s goal is to rake in more sales, subscribers, or followers via their website. And one way to achieve that is by showcasing your products or services. Merely showing pictures won’t cut the mustard. You must entice your audience with your product’s or service’s features and finish the offer with irresistible benefits. This is where visuals meet persuasive copywriting for an influential small business website design. 

Showcase your advantage

This next tip is crucial because this is what will make your brand emerge amongst the competition. Showcasing your advantage means identifying your unique value proposition. A rule of thumb in showing your unique value proposition is clarity. It must be understood in the first five seconds. Plus, it should explain how and why your offer is better, if not, the best among the competition. 

Here are a few steps you can take to identify your unique selling proposition:

  • Determine your product or service benefits
  • Identify what makes these benefits valuable 
  • Find out what your audience’s pain points are
  • Align your offers with your audience’s pain points
  • Conclude what makes your offer different from the rest

Use screenshots and visuals

This tip will make or break your small business website design. A text-based web page won’t be enough to convince your audience. Nowadays, you’d need visuals to captivate users. 

Your hero image must be eye-catching and relevant to your products or services. Moreover, your website’s visuals must have web design concepts, trends, and psychology to be more impactful.

Example #1:

penji samples

Example #2:

penji portfolio

Example #3:

penji sample

When entrusting your website design projects to us, rest assured we integrate the principles of good web design. Hierarchy, simplicity, negative space, consistency, readability, color psychology, typography, balance, to name a few.

Design balance

Speaking of balance, this web design element is vital so as not to overwhelm your audience with a haphazard layout. Your small business web design should educate, entertain, and persuade prospects to sign up or purchase. And when it comes to web design balance, you can either rely on symmetry or asymmetry. 

Symmetrical balance in web design creates harmony, cohesion, and order. If you incorporate symmetrical balance, you lead the user’s eyes from one design to another. On the other hand, asymmetry in web design means putting one visual weight on one side than the other. The effect is incredibly creative and aesthetically appealing. 

Easy navigation

Easy navigation should be of the essence when it comes to your small business web design. A website that’s too complicated will turn off your visitors, and believe me; they can go jump on another site in a snap of a finger. 

A golden rule in a navigable website is to ensure your users find what they need in three clicks. Whether it’s to find your email sign-up page, blog, pricing, brand story, contact information, or product descriptions, it should be quick and easy. This boils down to several aspects such as your headlines, copy, fonts, images, colors, form design, and call to action. 

Maintain your website

You can’t create a website and expect it to garner sales day in and day out. Web maintenance is imperative to keep up with consumer’s purchasing behavior. Mobile optimization is crucial to make your site load faster on smaller gadgets. Additionally, you also need to monitor your audience’s behavior on your website. This is so you can craft better landing pages, online ads, and cater to them efficiently.

SEO is also an evolving digital marketing strategy. By continuously updating your website, you ensure that it adheres to search engine algorithms. Regularly perform split tests to determine if some of the elements of your site need tweaking. And the easiest small business website maintenance tip of all is to stalk your competitors. See what they’re cooking up and learn how you can make yours better.

Last but not least, web maintenance contributes to a positive user experience. Ensure that there are no errors or broken links on your sites for seamless buyer experience.

William Atkins

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